Xiangru (Edward) Jian

I am a PhD student in Data System Group at the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. I am so fortunate to be advised by Prof. M. Tamer Özsu. I am also a visiting researcher at ServiceNow Research. My research is on LLM applications for data management, which generally consists of two parts, 1) Structured or Semi-structured data like relational tables and knowledge graphs, and 2) Unstructured data like images and videos. I did my master degree in Data Science at City University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Yu Yang, working on data mining and graph learning. One thing needs to be mentioned here: I am a big fan of Manchester City FC.


Work experience

  • Research Intern @ ServiceNow Research, 2024.04 - now.
  • Research Assitant @ City University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Institute of Data Science, 2021.10 - 2022.07.
    • Working on non-convex/submodular optimization and data mining. The Works accepted by CIKM 2023 and IEEE BigData 2023.
    • Supervisor: Prof. Yu Yang
  • Teaching Assistant @ University of Waterloo, 2022.09 - now.
    • Working as a teaching assistant for courses related to database.


Please find my full set of publications on my Google Scholar page.